Massachusetts needs revenue! Put a price on polluting carbon!
Green Money for Massachusetts!
A Carbon fee can raise money for transit, clean energy and more! It can generate jobs and help small business! Improve health by cleaner air! Deliver cash payments to low- and middle-income residents to offset increased fuel costs. To learn more about the possibilities go to
The Governor and the Legislature have stated: "There's going to be a climate bill this session!"(ending July 31?)
HealthLink is a grassroots citizens' group dedicated to protecting public health by reducing toxins and pollutants from our environment through research, education and community action.
HealthLink is a 501 (c) (3) organization.
It is time to influence the policies which will shape our future! We have a right and a responsibility to insist that our health and the health of our children be protected from a toxic inheritance. We invite you to join with us and contribute your time or make a donation to support this work. We welcome volunteers and enjoy working together in the spirit of community.
A Clean Energy Future

- The Green Communities Division (GCD) in Massachusetts provides grants, technical assistance, and local support from Regional Coordinators to help municipalities reduce energy use and costs by implementing clean energy projects in municipal buildings, facilities, and schools. How to become a Designated Green Community.
Healthy Planet
Healthy People

With Clean Water Action and Alliance for A Healthy Tomorrow, HealthLink works on state-wide regulations and campaigns to reduce common environmental exposures to toxins. We use science-driven research and argument as a basis for promoting positive and lasting change. We focus on flame retardants, lead, mercury, harmful chemicals in personal care products, pesticides, etc.
With over 80,000 new, untested chemicals having entered our lives, we urge a strengthened and continued update of the Federal Toxic Substance Control Act.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that every has.
Margaret Mead
Donate to HealthLink or mail a check to:
HealthLink, 10 Surf Street, Marblehead, MA 01945
HealthLink is a 501(c)(3) organization
